Friday, May 1, 2009

We made it!!!

In case some of you were wondering...we did make it to Portland! On our journey from Idaho to Oregon...don't be suprised but...our phone quit charging! Is anyone suprised?? I didn't think so. So-that is why no one has received a phone call!! Hopefully we can have this sorted out in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime we would love to hear from you...send me an e-mail and I can send you our home number ( We are living at Grandma and Grandpa Thompson's till about the beginning of June?!
I was lucky enough to find a job the first week here. I work for a Dentist in Lake Oswego on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30am-5:30pm. (it makes for a long day but the hours are good-in 2 days I have enough hours for 2 1/2 days) and then I am at Scotts dads office on Wednesdays from 7am-3pm (my favorite time to work).
Scotty has had some good leads and has been collecting his networking pool but nothing official yet. He is enjoying being the 'at home dad' and is great at it! The kids love being home with their dad ;) I've always thought Scotty was probably better at staying home then I am. He cooks, cleans, and plays...
Talan and McKenna love being at their Grandparents. It's been alot of fun to see McKenna's personality unfold. She sure loves her Grandma!
My family has been at OHSU for my brothers Chemo treatments. It has been a blessing to be close to my brother and family through all of this...
Over all we are glad to be in Oregon. The weather has been good other than the fact that I cannot seem to get warm enough...not sure of the problem there?? Scott was able to get a new road bike for a graduation/birthday gift and he is SOOOO excited! It hasn't came in yet, but he sure cannot wait! He is registered for a race called Reach The Beach. You ride from Beaverton to a town near Pacific City at the Beach-its 100 miles on May 16...he cannot wait. I registered for the Blue Lake Triathlon and my nerves are in full swing. Since the move and work it's much harder to work-out...I miss you Heidi (for many reasons which include being an inspirational work-out partner!)
Thats our update....I'll try and be more consistent and post some pics here soon! We miss and love you all!!